Castle Crashers® Guide

El misterio del arca

El misterio del arca for Castle Crashers

Overview Falta una mascota o simplemente es decoración del arca? Teoría Hola les vengo hablar de un misterio del juego o simplemente un dato curioso de este. En el arca donde van las mascotas conseguidas, me di la tarea de encontrar todas (las mascotas) al lograrlo… algo me inquieto, según las guías que leí tenia … Read moreEl misterio del arca

Secrets in the Songs

Secrets in the Songs for Castle Crashers

Overview Ever notice the curse word when you’re collecting gold? Or how the song changes in the part where you makeout with the princess? Well it’s all in this guide! It’s only two things, but the both of them are covered here! Also, this is my first guide so some constructive critisicm would help 😀Read moreSecrets in the Songs

Castle Crashers Tips

Castle Crashers Tips for Castle Crashers

Overview This castle crashers guide features tips to make insane mode much easier, ways to level up, and secrets you might not know! Insane mode tips! We aren’t going to get into the obvious things like having an industrialist and fencer in your team, but I’ll tell you some tips i’ve learned. First of all, … Read moreCastle Crashers Tips

Castle Crashers: Character Guide

Castle Crashers: Character Guide for Castle Crashers

Overview This is a complete guide on how to unlock every character within Castle Crashers. The Default Characters The Default Characters way to earn their characters is very simple. Once a character has completed the story you unlock the next character that is in its set. The sets have a maximum of 3 completions and … Read moreCastle Crashers: Character Guide

How to catch a cat?

How to catch a cat? for Castle Crashers

Overview Come, the cat is waiting for you At what stage? how to cach? Go to the place where you choose your pet And go to the end of the road You see a cat up there You have two ways to get it 1 = magic + jump 2 = Use magic while shooting … Read moreHow to catch a cat?

Como subir rapido XP hasta lv. 99

Como subir rapido XP hasta lv. 99 for Castle Crashers

Overview No quieres batallar para terminar Castle Crashers, quieres un personaje OP, o no quieres jugar meces para subir tu personaje favorito de lvl, ¡ESTA GUIA ES PARA TI! Llegar hasta nivel 99 rápido <3 Que necesitamos para llegar rápido hasta nivel 99 con este maravilloso BUG, Dedicación, Paciencia y ganas de subir de nivel. … Read moreComo subir rapido XP hasta lv. 99