Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! Guide

All (?) TEST VM Texts/Screens

All (?) TEST VM Texts/Screens for Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!

Overview Here are seemingly all the screens I could find in the “TEST VM” TEST VM Screens/Extra Info Here are seemingly all the screens I could find in the “TEST VM” [] The “TEST VM” unlocks when you reach “100%” and viewing this test vm will make the final achievement pop. A lot of them … Read moreAll (?) TEST VM Texts/Screens

DDLC Plus is here !!!

DDLC Plus is here !!! for Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!

Overview OMG! DDLC plus is out and here are the few things you must absolutely do if purchase it. Let’s take a look at things to do! Let’s take a look at things to do!

Secret Adachi ending DDLC +

Secret Adachi ending DDLC + for Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!

Overview This guide is to help you learn how to get the secret Adachi ending.1- Delete all the girls because women suck2- Write a poem about alcohol and cabbage.3- Just Adachi Just Adachi Just Adachi Just Adachi Just Adachi Just Adachi Just Adachi Just Adachi Just Adachi Just Adachi Just Adachi Just Adachi Just Adachi … Read moreSecret Adachi ending DDLC +

why sayori is best girl

why sayori is best girl for Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!

Overview sayori my beloved reason 1 doki sayori two (2) hhhaafhhfhs th r, ee ., asdf four’ look she has a bow brainrot auhjgfhdgjfdhkjn auuughghhh she make me go 🙂 i am goimg to seize and die real th tha nk u for reading my detailed guide

[PT-BR] Guia Poema | Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!

[PT-BR] Guia Poema | Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! for Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!

Overview Um guia com todas as palavras preferidas de cada garota para fazer um poema perfeito. >Palavras_ As garotas tem preferencia a alguma palavra relacionada a suas personalidades. >Planilha_ Nome Palavras Sayori Abraço, Alegria, Amigos, Amor, Arco-íris, Aventura, Azar, Barulhento, Beleza, Bobo, Brilho, Brincar, Calmaria, Calor, Cama, Canto, Casamento, Choro, Cicatrizes, Conforto, Cor, Coração, Dança, … Read more[PT-BR] Guia Poema | Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!


テキストファイルの閲覧方法 for Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!

Overview 「Internal」フォルダに存在するテキストファイルの開き方 はじめに まずは本編をプレイしてください。※特定のファイルが進行度によって生成される為 また、こちらのガイドはCGなど他データの収集条件ではありません。どれか一つでも閲覧すると隠し実績「Stonks」を取得します。 閲覧のヒント等 ファイル→Internal / backup /System から、一番下段「Towerkeys.txt」を開いてください。隠しテキストの開き方のヒントになっています また、Internal / backupに存在する2つのテキストファイルは無条件に開けます。 ※ネタバレ フォルダ内容 特定のファイルを開くにはPC本体の時刻を変更する必要あり。 以下、自分が閲覧できたものと開く条件を掲載。テキスト内容は憶測による時系列順。 隠しテキスト一覧 MES.txt時刻 8:33 場所 internal / 3 / 4 / 4 Project plan.txt時刻 2:40 場所 internal / 2 / 2 / 1 Meeting Notes 2.txt時刻 9:15場所 internal / 1 / 3 / 0 Track 06 name ideas.txt時刻 … Read moreテキストファイルの閲覧方法

Poemwords.txt Ordered

Poemwords.txt Ordered for Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!

Overview Followed others example and made the list available here, to make it easier to see, but added the fact that it’s alphabetically ordered, so it’s even easier to follow to get a perfect poem for the girls. Explanation In this list you can see the same list of words for each girl that you … Read morePoemwords.txt Ordered