Fallout: New Vegas Guide

Giude to every possible ending

Giude to every possible ending for Fallout: New Vegas

Overview In this guide you will find not only the 4 main finals of Fallout: New Vegas, but also how to get them, the missions to do and with which factions to ally and a ranking of the aforementioned finals, from the worst to the best.Of course, it goes without saying that there will be … Read moreGiude to every possible ending

Terminal Hacking Tutorial

Terminal Hacking Tutorial for Fallout: New Vegas

Overview An easy tutorial for hacking the terminals./终端骇客简易指南。 What is the terminal? The terminals in game are designed for locking or unlocking specific interactions, offering you the access to some doors, security systems. For the NV beginners might find it difficult to hack a terminal because they’re totally confused by the codes and letters. How? … Read moreTerminal Hacking Tutorial

cheats that will make life better

cheats that will make life better for Fallout: New Vegas

Overview this is a list of cheat codes that help you progress faster and get more caps to enter console comands press the “~” button on the keybord the cheats 1.caps: player.additem 000000f then put a space and put the number of caps you want 2.god mode: tgm this gives you infinent health and a … Read morecheats that will make life better

The Pacifist Build

The Pacifist Build for Fallout: New Vegas

Overview This is the build I prefer when I play a zero kill run. I’m not sure whether that makes you more or less likely try it, but there ya go. The Build S.P.E.C.I.A.L ST – 1 + 1(implant) PE – 1 + 1(implant) EN – 7 + 1(implant) + 1(the bear-slayer/deadman’s burden/scourge of the … Read moreThe Pacifist Build
